Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tips for Improving Office Efficiency

Working from home takes a ton of discipline. It's very easy to get distracted and to wander off task. I came across this article recently that gives some tips on productivity. I'm re-posting it with permission of Office Interiors.

Every office and workplace has ways to make their business operations run more smoothly. Whether you need to better manage your time or simply de-clutter your workspace, there are numerous tips to help individuals, as well as a team of co-workers, function in a well managed office. Some tips may improve the physical organization of your office, and others are more individualized tips keep on employees on top of tasks. Together, this broad list of ideas is certain to bring more organization and efficiency to the workplace.

• Clear your desk top of all personal mementos. Hang them on the walls, place them on shelves, but give yourself space to work at your desk, without distractions. Keeping an organized, de-cluttered workspace helps you work more efficiently.

• Invest in some of your own inexpensive work supplies and keep them stocked inside your desk in an organizing tray. This way, you can avoid constantly searching for pens and paper clips, or overusing the company-wide supply.

• Consider new ways to organize the supply closet used by employees. Create a list of who takes how much of what and when. Designate a particular person to keep track of the list, specifically the person who takes inventory and orders more supplies. This will insure no one is using too much.

• Conduct quarterly or biannual organization of filing cabinets, discarding, or consolidate and re-file away unnecessary documents and paperwork. Put a shred/recycle program into place.

• Once you’ve completed a phone call, write down the next action you need to take relating to the call. Do you need to follow-up, provide feedback, make another call, fax or get something in the mail? If you can't complete the next action immediately, write it down.

• Simplify a big project by writing down everything, and group steps and tasks together. Then, put the tasks in order and set up a time line with deadlines and goals.

• Regularly schedule meetings to assess the progress the group is making and identify and expand upon what goals people are meeting. A group huddle, as such, should involve everyone in the office or department.

• Schedule appointments and meetings with both start and end times. People are more concise and to-the-point when they are creeping up on a deadline.

• Set deadlines for when tasks must be completed. This may seem silly, but when one person slips on meeting a deadline, it negatively affects someone else, decreasing more people’s efficiency in the workplace.

• Make your work day more productive by leaving the office in the afternoon for lunch. Energize yourself for the remainder of the day by getting some fresh air or just relaxing somewhere outside of the workplace.

• Reduce interruptions at work by moving your desk so you can't see the door. Passersby will not be able to catch your eye as they walk by, thus avoiding unnecessary conversation.

Source: Office Interiors Improving Office Efficiency

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